Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Our 2nd Christmas in our lovely house!

Love Zai's cute smile here!

Spent my morning cleaning and packing up the house.




Enjoying his Christmas Meal~


Presents for the kids

Steffi ♥ Leroy ♥ Stacci ♥ Louie ♥


Starri ♥


Els ♥

Brought along the presents to my parents' house~

After that, my mum and I went to Changi Airport!
My 2nd sis and family were coming back from Japan and we decided to surprise them!

Admiring the beautiful Christmas decorations~


Finally their plane was reaching! 

(Anxious grandma, haha!)


After waiting for about an hour...

So happy to see them again!

(Heart melted when the kids shouted for me when they saw me!)


They went back home first while my mum, Steffi, Louie and me stayed back to have dinner.

Mum wanted to eat bak kut teh and thankfully, it was yummy!
The kids loved it too. Money well-spent!

Just finished eating when my sis called me and said that they left a luggage behind! 
Quickly ran to find it!!! 
Saw that the luggage was still there but there were 2 security officers and 2 policemen surrounding it... :O

Gave them my particulars and they released the luggage to me. 
PHEW! What an experience... xD

Luckily we decided to go to the airport to look for them and wanted to eat dinner before going home! Otherwise my poor sis would have to make another trip to Changi Airport!

Reached my parents' and sis's houses and distributed the presents to the kids. Glad they love them!


Finally reached home and brought Zai go gai gai at the nearby park.

Lovely way to end the day. :)


Still have a lot of things that I planned to do for Christmas but didn't have the time to do it! 
Time flies when we are having a good time~

So grateful for the wonderful Christmas with family.
Cherishing the moments while everyone is still around.

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