Friday, July 31, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
♥♥ Happy Birthday Cookie ♥♥
Came home and FINALLY..
My darling baby is back!
Miss her so, so much! *HUGS* ♥♥
Hope we will not be separated again!!
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Girls' Day Out!
Steffi and Leroy were out so I only brought Stacci out~
(Baby Louie is still too young.. Sorry!)
1st stop.. ICE CREAM at Swensens!
LOL, she got annoyed after I bluffed her that the plain water was her apple juice.
Her reaction when I bluffed her for the 1st time was funnier!
(Unfortunately I didn't film it!)
Me: Here's your apple juice.
Her: *Took 1 sip, glared at me* THIS.IS.NOT.APPLE.JUICE!!!
Me: Hahahaha!
Cannot waste a single bit of whipped cream!
But then she had a stomachache so she suddenly didn't feel like eating ice cream anymore..
What..?? *Slaps forehead..*
Next activity: Riding! :)
Quite ex. $10 for 3 rides. Each ride is only 5 minutes! But it's really fun so we probably will be back!
Last activity before heading home.. Arts & Craft!
I think I am getting good at this.. After helping the kids to do it a few times! LOL!
It's been really fun day! Enjoyed it so much!
Hope to do it with her (and the others) again soon! ;)
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Fluffy's Room.. Upgraded! ♥
Finally went to buy a litter pan for Fluffy last Sunday!
My only regret? Why did I buy it earlier!!
Also bought a new food bowl and dry bath shampoo for her~:)
Washed her cage thoroughly and fixed her new "furniture"!
The Food Bowl
$9+ food bowl can be comparable to the $2 food tray.. Haha!
This time she can't purposely overturn the bowl anymore! Muahaha!
Previously: $2 metal tray from Daiso
The Toilet
Wondered if she would know how to use the toilet.. So I kept nagging at her! Haha!
Checked on her after a few hours and..
WOW, she really used it!!!
Felt so good to see the cage so neat even a few hours later! ♥
See, it used to be so messy!
Feels strangely satisfying whenever I see her upgraded room now! ♥
Friday, July 17, 2015
Happy Times with the Little Ones! ♥♥♥
Went over to Sis's house and Stacci came running to me with open arms and said..
Her: Ah Mai! 我很想你! 我很爱你!
Me: Wah 阿妹, 你的嘴巴很甜!
Her: Ah Mai, 为什么你说我的嘴巴甜, 你要吃我的嘴巴啊?
Me: ^_^" (But still very sweetified lah!)
Wanted to bring Stacci out to buy lunch.. But surprisingly, this time Steffi and Leroy wanted to tag along too!
(Actually baby Louie also wanted to come but auntie pulled him back. LOL!)
At the MacDonalds' with the Little Ones! ♥♥♥
Stacci was so happy because the Happy Meal toy is her favorite MONKEY! Haha!
Not long after reaching there, Stacci said she wanna pee.
Brought her to the toilet.
And right after she finished eating..
She wanted to to poop.
Oh my! KIDS.. >.<
In the toilet..
Me: *Acts like I want to faint* Urgh, 阿妹我要晕倒了..
Her: 真的啊?
Me: 骗你的啦! (Actually it was really smelly.. Haha!)
Her: *Looks at me seriously* 你要我哭啊?
Me: ^_^"
After Stacci was done, I brought her back to our seat..
Then Leroy said he also wanted to go to the toilet.
Oh my! I had to go to the toilet.. again..
Afterwards, the kids wanted to play at my house.
It was super hot and I was so sweaty!
Wanted to take a bath but I ended up bathing the kids instead.. Haha!
Finally I could let Stacci try this shower cap!
$2 from Daiso.
Stacci used to be so fearful of water flowing down her face when bathing.
But she's grown up already so she's not scared anymore!
Nonetheless, the kids had fun with the shower cap.. Haha!
Wanted to go down to 7-Eleven to buy Slurpee ALONE because I would be faster..
But of course, the kids won't allow me to go alone! Haha!
They "promised" that they would be fast..
Of course that DIDN'T happen.. LOL! *Slaps forehead*
As usual, we raced one another to the 7-Eleven.
I "lost" again, of course! Haha! :)
Time flew by when I was hanging out with the kids!
Love their laughter and giggles~♥♥♥
(Good workout too! Haha!)
Dozed off in exhaustion after I finally sent them back to their own home.
I am really old liao lah!
And the kids grow up so fast!
Can they stay cute always? Haha!
Monday, July 13, 2015
The Life Journey of an Animal Communicator by Rosina Maria
After thinking for a long time.. I still couldn't resist ordering this book!!
I guess I couldn't wait until the class starts.. Heh!
Especially since there is NO date at all. Don't know when will there be a next class.
(No reply from the school either..)
Can't wait to read the book!
If it's good, I'll buy another copy for Shuqi! :)
Love this website: Book Depository
The books sold here are much cheaper than the ones sold in Amazon and other online websites.
No minimum purchase too!
For example, for this book.. If I buy in Amazon, I need to pay around SGD 30+.
Need to incur a minimum amount of USD 35 for free delivery..
And free delivery is within US only!
(Sorry Amazon! Maybe the other items sold there are not so expensive. Heehee!)
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Today is an Active Day!
If only I can continue to be so hardworking always.. Haha!
Today's schedule!
8.30am - 9.30am at TPY Park!
This is a beginner class. (Or maybe Zumba Gold?)
Moves are easy to catch..
But after a while I kinda felt bored because the moves were rather repetitive.
Love the Body Combat part!
(Miss it so much! But I can't find any Body Combat classes from ActiveSG!)
Exercise is a lot more awesome-r when doing it with friends! :)
Went home to bath, rest briefly and had a light lunch before I headed outta house again for..
12 noon - 1pm at Bishan!
Ooh, I miss it so much!!
Today a participant took the initiative to buddy up with me as she thought I was new to KpopX and all alone. Aww.. So sweet of her!
At the start of the class, Alvin (the instructor) saw me and said aloud, "Oh, you are here today!"
Then everyone turned to look at me! Paiseh sia! Hahaha! But I also felt somewhat flattered that Alvin noticed and publicly acknowledged my existence though! #CheapThrill #暗爽 Haha!
Wore a cap because I was lazy to style my fringe. And.. I can't figure out whether I am more confident to wear a cap in class because of KpopX or I am more confident in doing KpopX because I wore a cap..?
In the past I didn't dare to wear my cap in class because I didn't want to risk attracting any attention. Opps!
Now? Wanna see me then see lor.. Muahaha!
Was happy that the older songs were chosen. Ah, fond memories and I still remember some of the moves. So nostalgic!
After the class..
Cap was soaked with sweat!
Clothes too but I shall not post them here.. Lol!
Ah~ Feels so good to sweat and burn!!
After KpopX Fitness class, I went to AMK Hub~
FINALLY remembered to buy DUMBBELLS! YAY!!
PINK! ♥♥
No more excuse for me to do NOTHING for my arms now! Intending to use them everyday!
Slimmer arms, wait for me!! ;)
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
❀ 花千骨 ❀
看了花千骨.. 心里有些伤感。
无爱 • 无痛。难怪神仙不谈恋爱。
Fell in love with this story after watching the videos.
But alas, they were done by cosplayers! Not a full
There is a drama serial on this..
But it was quite poorly done as compared to the cosplay
May as well..
Because many sad things happened in the story.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Resuming My Spiritual Journey ♥
..After so long!
Since I'm on a journey, I went to find some "companions"!
Previously I mentioned that Shuqi and I are keen to join the Animal Communication Course in my earlier post.
Emailed the course provider but there was no reply though.
Guess I can only do some research on my own for now!
Read somewhere that Mookaite Jasper aids in communicating with animals!!
So I quickly went eBay, browsed through so many ads for hours..
Finally saw something that I like and ordered 2 of these for Shuqi and me!
Since I'm on a journey, I went to find some "companions"!
Previously I mentioned that Shuqi and I are keen to join the Animal Communication Course in my earlier post.
Emailed the course provider but there was no reply though.
Guess I can only do some research on my own for now!
Read somewhere that Mookaite Jasper aids in communicating with animals!!
So I quickly went eBay, browsed through so many ads for hours..
Finally saw something that I like and ordered 2 of these for Shuqi and me!
Yes, a bracelet made from Mookaite crystals!

So pretty! ♥♥
Was pleasantly surprised that the seller's actions were so fast!
Within 24 hours of making payment online, I received this email:

Yeah! Can hardly wait!!
Bought the bracelets mainly to aid communication with animals.
Was pleasantly surprised that they have many more properties (well, if you believe!) as below:
Mookaite is an Australian aboriginal healing stone that bestows strength. It helps with the healing of wounds and with regeneration. Useful in stabilising health and in fortifying the immune system, Mookaite also purifies the blood in the liver and the spleen and can help with the glands in general, the stomach, water retention and with hernias.
Mental / Emotional
Mookaite encourages within us, the desire for variety and new experiences. It can make us more flexible in our thinking and enhances our decision making. It also helps us to recognise that there could be several possibilities for the outcome of any issue. It also helps us to choose the best solution to that issue. Mookaite helps us to embrace and celebrate new circumstances and helps us when dealing with negative situations. Mookaite helps us to be kind to others, and also, quite importantly, helps us to be kind to ourselves too. It is a very protective stone, and is particularly good as an emotional protector.
Mookaite helps us to realise that meditation may be possible during any activity. It is also said to stimulate contact with loved ones who have passed over and helps us to better communicate with animals..
Clear Quartz & the 7 Stones
Earlier on, I started to listen to the morning and evening tracks for clearing chakras.
(Just to spiritually prepare myself for the Animal Communication Course.. Haha!)
Was searching for the Mookaite when I decided to get something that is related to chakras!
Was searching and searching with something vague in mind,,
It's like.. I couldn't figure out what exactly I wanted. But yet I knew what I want.
As I browsed through various stones and different designs, it got clearer.
"Not this. Not that."
"Natural stones representing each chakra."
"Clear Quartz."
AND I actually found something that matches what what I (vaguely) wanted!!
Tada! This IS perfect. Just what I wanted!!
The seller of the Mookaite bracelets was faster and this seller was super fast!
Very impressed indeed!
I actually ordered this AFTER I had ordered the Mookaite bracelets..
But I received the order updates for this item first!
Wondering when I can receive it? So eager to have it!
Benefits of each type of crystal used:
Red Jasper
Is the supreme nurturer and encourages spiritual development at a gentle rate.
Can also help alleviate stress.
Orange Jade
Brings joy and teaches the interconnectedness of all beings.
It is energetic and quietly stimulating.
Yellow Jade
Is thought to be a very lucky crystal.
Energetic and stimulating, brings joy and happiness.
Green Aventurine
A grounding stone with a powerful multilevel cleansing effect, agate stabilises energy.
Blue Aventurine
A good all round healer.
Is said to be a good choice for migraines and for soothing the eyes.
It is thought to help poor circulation.
Lapis Lazuli
Is a blue healing crystal that promotes psychic ability.
A bonding stone in love and friendship.
Is a violet crystal which helps develop your psychic abilities.
It is known as one of the master healers.
Clear Quartz
Also a master healer and can be used for most purposes.
Native Americans called this the 'brain cells of Mother Earth'.
Extra Info from the Seller:
"I will send your crystal pendant to you already charged with healing Reiki energy. When you receive your pendant you need to hold it in your hands, picture light surrounding it and state your intention for it; ie what you want it to do for you, for example is it to attract love, to heal a condition or for protection against negative energy etc. Wear your pendant as much as possible, or keep it near to allow you to benefit from its vibrations and energies."
Super love this seller! Maybe will buy more stuff from him / her in future!
I need to clear the clutter from my room and make it come alive with loads of positive energies!!
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Sundown Marathon 2015
Well.. But I only went for 10km and not the marathon though! Heehee!
Getting ready to head for The Event!
While I was on my way to meet the rest of the FHI folks, I saw many others who are dressed in the same event tops!
Felt so good to see so many fellow runners.. Even though we didn't know one another! Lots of friendly smiles everywhere! Loves how sport events can unite people! :)
Brought along my PINK lightsstick! Weeeeee~♥
Ooooh.. Starting soon! Love the atmosphere! So excited to run! ♥
We were still at the starting point, queuing for our turn to flag off..
Aiyo.. We sianz-ed half already. T.T
But I guess they had to do that to avoid over-crowding..
After about 15, 20 minutes later..
Finally we could GO! AT LAST!! Chiong ah!! ♥
And 1 hour plus later.. We completed the run! Yay! ♥
Surprisingly, the run didn't seem that tedious as compared to the Great Eastern Women's Run that I ran 2 years ago. Maybe because this was done at night bah! Plus the night scenery was really beautiful!! Quite enjoyable, in fact!
(Phern said maybe it's also because I'm fitter than I used to be. Oh yeah!)
But alas.. Halfway through, I began to experience cramps.. (Thanks to my "auntie" lah.. Of all days!! Sob sob!)
Nonetheless.. I feel glad that I managed to complete it despite the cramps!
Just kinda disappointed that my timing won't be better than my previous one.
Would be good if my timing is improved..
But well, I guess it's more important that I didn't give up and kept going despite the difficulties!
Saw some who were fatter, older than me.. And yet, they kept going on!
Well done!, everyone! Very inspiring indeed! :)
PERHAPS I should make it a habit to run once a week again. At least 2.4km?
Let me think about it. Haha!
Gotta buy a new pair of running shoes though! My current pair is quite worn out and I got blisters now. >.<
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Review: Palmer's White & Even Dark Circle Correcting Eye Treatment
Yesterday I promised that I will share my review on the 2nd product and YES, that is what I am going to do now!
Palmer’s White & Even Dark Circle Correcting Eye Treatment
Love the cute way she observed me with her head slightly tilted to one side!
More Info about the Product
This product is from the same range as the one I introduced yesterday.. SO YES!
They have the same goodness!
This product specially targets DARK CIRCLES and shadows.
It also brightens the under eyes, firms and lifts as well as relieving puffiness!
My Eyes and their Annoying Friends.. Dark Circles
I always feel that as long as the eyes are pretty, the overall appearance would be pretty.
Which is why I always focus on my eye makeup (and slack on the other areas).. Opps!
Just refer to the photos below.. Enough said!
Yeah, all 3 are me.. And the 1st photo is me at my most natural form..
Dark circles are really bad to have. It makes me look tired and listless which would affect others' overall impression of me! As you can see, the appearance of our eyes has a big impact on our overall appearance! Personally for me, I don't feel confident when my dark circles are exposed. Whenever I cover them up with concealers, I gain confidence almost instantly! So let's take care of our eyes and the areas around them!
Although concealers can help to hide them.. But it's not really solving the problem! We need to get to the root of the problem and resolve it, right?
Hope Palmer's product can help me to get rid of the dark circles!!
Let's try!
Using the Product
Self-proclaimed Meipai "model" is back in action again! Haha!
Applying on the Right Eye (anyhow swipe) = How I really do it!
Applying on the Left Eye (gently dab) = How I should do it!
Haha! Seriously it's so hard to apply the lotion gracefully with one hand while taking my hp to film myself with the other hand!
Really not easy to be a model and videographer.. Haha!
Well.. Nonetheless, I had fun filming! Heh! #CheapThrill
And just to share a rather embarrassing incident while I was trying this product..
I was wondering how come the packaging was so lousy this time!
Tried pressing (as shown below) and the "spray" simply refused to work!
After a while, I realized I had used it wrongly! #UserProblem
OH, it should be used like this..
My Verdict
I love the packaging.. After I figured out how to use it correctly! *Laughs!*
Application is easy and it feels cooling as I glide it over my eye areas. The texture is light enough and gets absorbed into my skin pretty fast too! Love the slight warm sensation!
And I really super love the look of the silvery liquid! Looks so magical! ♥
Can't see much from just one application though!
Will continue to use and monitor the results!
Where To Buy It
Available at Watsons, Guardian, BHG, Robinsons, John Little, Essentials Pharmacy, Nishino Pharmacy, all leading pharmacies, departmental and cosmetics stores.
Retail Price: SGD 22.90 for 15ml
Grab yours now!
P/S: I also had the chance to try out some other Palmer’s products. If you are interested, you can read my reviews!
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