Well, I knew that I had stretch marks. They didn't bother me that much, probably because they were created because I SLIMMED DOWN! Haha! (I was.. uh, a little 'meaty' when I was a small kid.. Opps!)
So ya, I soon forgot about them and since it was so long ago, I happily assumed that they had disappeared on their own. Which is also why, I never even take a 2nd look at any stretch marks related products because I always thought that these are meant for pregnant ladies or those who had given birth. I don't need them lah.. (Ya right!)
So ya, I soon forgot about them and since it was so long ago, I happily assumed that they had disappeared on their own. Which is also why, I never even take a 2nd look at any stretch marks related products because I always thought that these are meant for pregnant ladies or those who had given birth. I don't need them lah.. (Ya right!)
The other day I came across this product: Palmer’s Spray Lotion for Stretch Marks. Almost wanted to give it a miss since it's "not" meant for people like me. However, I had good experience with Palmer's product previously.. Why not? Besides, Salmiah (my colleague) is pregnant now. If this product is good, I can recommend it to her!
But I still gotta test the product before I can recommend to anyone right?
Before that.. I need to know: DO I REALLY NEED THIS?
Before that.. I need to know: DO I REALLY NEED THIS?
6 Things You Need to Know About Stretch Marks!
Not saying this simply because this is a sponsored ad.. But this video really contains some good info about stretch marks! The title stated "6 things you need to know about stretch marks".. I think there are more than just 6 though!
So.. Myth or Fact?
If you are curious about these like I was, you should watch the video to find out the answers!
But seriously.. After watching it, I realized.. Maybe I do need this after all!
The Product
Tada! ;)
Before Use
Basically I love ANY skincare product with cocoa butter and shea butter ever since I first experienced their goodness several years ago. Love at 1st use! Can't go wrong with those, I guess!
It's a spray lotion! ♥
I am rather lazy so I love products that do not require me to wash my hands later! Haha! Plus the fact that all the goodness will reach my skin thoroughly, and not be stuck to my hands instead! AND application is so easy, just spray!
Against Animal Testing! ♥♥♥
Need I say more?
Cap is lockable! ♥
Have you guys encountered accidents when you unintentionally pressed the cap and created a lot of wastage and not to mention, mess?! Or when little kids managed to lay their cute little hands on your products and.. Well, they had a lot of fun.. And you gotta clean up the mess afterwards. *Laughs* Speaking from experience..
Another thing I like about this feature is.. It's dummy-proof! Haha! Was wondering which side is lock and which side is unlock.. And then my question was answered, thanks to the little logos at the side of the cap!
Using the Product
Totally loving:
♥ The cooling sensation on my skin!
♥ The cooling sensation on my skin!
♥ The convenience and ease of using it!
Got a surprise when I compared the before and after photos!
But well, the realization was nothing as compared to the shock of seeing a photo of my stretch marks up close! What?! I didn't realize that my stretch marks were THAT bad!
Got a surprise when I compared the before and after photos!
But well, the realization was nothing as compared to the shock of seeing a photo of my stretch marks up close! What?! I didn't realize that my stretch marks were THAT bad!

(Still feeling somewhat amazed everything I look at this..)
Skin appeared darker in the photo after application but that's actually because the lotion was not fully absorbed yet.
But even so, the stretch marks looked less obvious already.. Right!!
Wow! Honestly, I know how stubborn stretch marks are.. So I wasn't expecting any visible results.. At least not after the first usage.. Right? But I was proven wrong! Hoho!
In addition, the lotion felt quite moisturizing. I can't decide whether it's light or fast-absorbing.. But whatever it is, it felt as if I didn't apply anything because it didn't feel greasy at all!

More about the Product!
Cocoa Butter
Provides superior soothing properties and helps skin retain its natural moisture
Vitamin E
A natural antioxidant, works with the body's own cells to protect it from the harsh elements that cause rough, dry skin
Collagen & Elastin
Improves skin elasticity, stretchability and firmness and leads to improvement in overall skin tone, suppleness and appearance
Centella Asiatica
Anatural leaf extract, helps protect and revitalize collagen and elastin fibers. Widely recommended as an ideal ingredient for stretch marks care
Sweet Almond Oil
A non-greasy, super moisturizing emollient easily absorbed into the skin. Its antimicrobial properties help reduce the chances of scarring and markings on skin
Argan Oil
Has twice as much Vitamin E as olive oil and is rich in essential fatty acids and vital antioxidants. Helps soften and condition skin while reducing scarring
Ooh.. I love all these benefits! Don't we all love them?!!
Where To Buy It
Available at Watsons, Guardian, Fairprice, BHG, Robinsons, John Little
and leading cosmetic stores!
Retail Price: SGD 29.90 for 200g
Grab yours now!
(I think I gonna buy this as a present for my colleague!!)
P/S: I also had the chance to try out Palmer’s Skin Therapy Oil. If you are interested, you can read the review here!
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